So this school year I get to teach a Bible class three days a week from 8:15 in the morning till 8:45. I teach the same lesson three different times to the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. I have already enjoyed it sooooo much! This year we are having the elementary students learn 26 memory verses (A -Z), plus the school's theme verse, I Corinthians 10:31. So I am going in each work to help them with learning the verse, plus looking at the background and text of each verse.
Last week we talked about why we should read the Bible, study the Bible, and memorize the Bible. I did an acrostic for the word Bible:
Bread for our lives
Book of Law
Lamp and Light
Enemy Slayer
The kids really loved it when I called the Bible a Enemy slayer. I told them how the Word says that the Bible is like a two edged sword, and that if we know the scripture then we can cut the devil with our Sword when he tempts us to do wrong.
So this morning while I was teaching the third grade I told them to take out their Bibles, and one of my students replies, "Ms. Bandy, you meant take out your Enemy Slayer, right?" :) Made my lips and my heart smile!!!
Talk to someone about the Enemy Slayer this week, and don't forget to read it yourself!!