Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Cornerstone

Hello Corner Stone friends,

I just wanted to thank you all very much for the Christmas gift this year, but even more for all of the prayers that you have offered on my behalf this year!! I feel the prayers so very often, and I am so very very thankful for them!

I hope each one of you are having a stink'in awesome Christmas! I am getting to spend mine here in Texas with my family!! I have loved every precious moment I have had with David, Matthew and Kylie. The make my heart happy! Matthew told me that "Pastor Mike is soooo cool Aunt Alicia." I totally agree!!

I love each one of you more then you know. Every Friday night, and Sunday morning I think about you guys and the elevators, and often wish I was there with you.

Keep on loving and serving the King of all Kings!!

I will see you at the end of June!!!!!


Alicia Bandy