Monday, October 19, 2009

Are You As Bold As An Eight Year Old?

So a couple of weeks ago at school we had about 60 men from the U.S. Navy come to our school over a period of two days, 30 each day. They were stopping in Singapore before going on over to the Middle E. We have a parent at our school that works with the Navy so he set it up for them to come and help out the school any way we could think of.

The kids just loved them all soooo much! It was pretty awesome! My favorite moment came when three of the men were being interviewed by the 5th grade classes. The very first question of the session came from Tessa, "Are you guys Christians?" It was cool. They all just kinda of looked at each other like "is she really just flat out asking this?" So my principal leaned over and said, "we tell our students here that they can believe in whatever they want, but to be BOLD in what they believe." So one by one they answered. The first two said no, and after each no there was a sigh from the kids. But praise the Lord the third one said yes, and relief filled the air!!

Another story just as cool as that one is about the boldness of a third grader, Ben. Ben was eating lunch with one of the officers. When he came to a stopping point he pulled his cross necklace out from under his shirt and asked the officer if he knew what it was. The officer said, "it's a cross," to which Ben replied, "it's not only a cross, but it represents the one that Jesus Christ died on!" How awesome is that.

So here is the question I have for you and myself. Do we have the boldness in our faith as an eight and ten year old. Who have you boldly shared with today, this week, this month, this year? Who have you boldly questioned?

Oh to be like a child. Jesus says several times in the Enemy Slayer (Bible) to have the faith of a child. Its moments like these that remind me of these verses, and challenge me to rise up to the faith of an eight year old!

Join me this week, and bring out the BOLDNESS!!!

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