Friday, July 10, 2009

Home For The Summer!

My Pastor asked me to start this blog so that my church family could keep dibs on my life in Singapore. Most of you know that I have spent the last year living and teaching in the country of Singapore. It was a great first year, and I am excited to see what God has in store for our school (ICS), and for the Country of Singapore.

I am currently back in the States for the summer. It has been a very fast paced summer so far, and I am looking forward to the couple of weeks here with my family. I had a great visit with my church family in Florida, and I was very proud to be apart of the Quain/Wiggers wedding!

I am heading back to Singapore on August third, so please keep me in your prayers that day as I travel! I will try to keep this updated frequently!!

living 4 Him!!

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