Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Alicia Anne

I am now at the beginning of my 33rd year of life!! I got to thinking how Jesus only lived 33 years, and I started pondering on different parts of His ministry. One of the things that sticks out most to me is people. His whole life is all about people, and His love for them and for me personally is second to none. Before He was ever born He was impacting people. Look at Mary and even John The Baptist before he was ever born.

I have decided to really focus on people this year, and I want to reflect on many of the people who have had an impact on my life. I plan to journal this year about many of those different people, and who knows maybe someday God will let it be published.

This has been a great week spending time with my family. I am starting to get tears in my eyes just thinking about saying goodbye to them again, but I am excited about the thought of being in Singapore and Asia once again.

Tell someone about Jesus this week, and don't forget your life is one to be lived for HIM!!!


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