Sunday, August 30, 2009

Three Weeks & Counting!

So I know that I was suppose to probably have written at least three posts since I have been back, but that just hasn't happened! As soon as my feet walked off of the airplane I feel like I haven't stopped since I have been back! Which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

I had a wonderful Summer, but it wasn't one that I would call restful, but it was awesome none the less. The entire time I was home I longed to be back in Singapore. I missed the Asian culture and the food. I missed my students and their families, my friends, and the school. I just missed being in Singapore.

August 5th was my first full day back and it was great. I went up to the school and decided to go with the new staff on the hippo tour around Singapore. I was able to talk to the new faculty and then know what kind of goofy person they would be working with! I don't think I scarred any of them away! We have a great new group, so please be in prayer for them as they continue to adjust and make the transition here. Their names are: Crissy Mallinger, Helen Brownell and Steven Moore (the single teachers), the Miller Family, and the Kappe family.

We just completed our second full week of school, and tomorrow begins week number three. I cannot even tell you how pumped I was to see all my students again. I missed seeing them, and annoying them with my presence!! I thank God that they seemed to miss me a little bit too!! :)

I feel like so much has happened already since I have been back and it would be way too long to post, so my goal is to be way more consistent with this thing.

I will tell you that as much as I missed Singapore this Summer, I am already missing my family, and friends from the States sooooooooooo much. I feel like I am on a emotional roller coaster. When I am in Sing Sing I long for the States, and when I am in the States I long for Singapore. I have been really homesick these last couple of weeks. I think its because I was able to have so much quality family time while I was home. This past week I was able to teach chapel and it really helped refocus why I am here. I taught on Jonah, and how with our choices we affect three people: Ourselves, others, and possibly the Kingdom of God. I pray that God will use my life here in Singapore to make an eternal difference. I miss my family, but I know I am suppose to be here. PLEASE keep this in your prayers. I don't really remember being this homesick last year.

Serving Him


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