Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Cornerstone
I just wanted to thank you all very much for the Christmas gift this year, but even more for all of the prayers that you have offered on my behalf this year!! I feel the prayers so very often, and I am so very very thankful for them!
I hope each one of you are having a stink'in awesome Christmas! I am getting to spend mine here in Texas with my family!! I have loved every precious moment I have had with David, Matthew and Kylie. The make my heart happy! Matthew told me that "Pastor Mike is soooo cool Aunt Alicia." I totally agree!!
I love each one of you more then you know. Every Friday night, and Sunday morning I think about you guys and the elevators, and often wish I was there with you.
Keep on loving and serving the King of all Kings!!
I will see you at the end of June!!!!!
Alicia Bandy
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Trip to KL, Malaysia
We went to KL, Malaysia this past weekend because we had a three day weekend. KL is the capital of Malaysia, and it was really cheap to fly over there and enjoy it for a couple of days. I hang out with some great people that love the Lord, and who love to randomly talk to people like I do. We took some stuffed animals with us, because we realized that the people love them over here, and its a sure fire way to get them to talk to you and take some pictures. It was awesome. We were able to talk to over 60 people and get pictures. Hopefully some joy was brought to their hearts.
While we were there we also made some videos like always. There were a couple of funny ones. This first one is the invention of the yo-yo!
This second video came about when I saw a sign at the train station there. It inspired me in the naming of my future children!!
We had a lot of fun, and it was a much needed break. Next weekend I will be going back to Malaysia in about the same area to work at an orphanage for the weekend. Be praying for that short trip. We will leave Friday night and come back Sunday evening. I am excited to see what God will do in the lives of the children, and in my life!
Living for Him,
Alicia B
Monday, October 19, 2009
Are You As Bold As An Eight Year Old?
The kids just loved them all soooo much! It was pretty awesome! My favorite moment came when three of the men were being interviewed by the 5th grade classes. The very first question of the session came from Tessa, "Are you guys Christians?" It was cool. They all just kinda of looked at each other like "is she really just flat out asking this?" So my principal leaned over and said, "we tell our students here that they can believe in whatever they want, but to be BOLD in what they believe." So one by one they answered. The first two said no, and after each no there was a sigh from the kids. But praise the Lord the third one said yes, and relief filled the air!!
Another story just as cool as that one is about the boldness of a third grader, Ben. Ben was eating lunch with one of the officers. When he came to a stopping point he pulled his cross necklace out from under his shirt and asked the officer if he knew what it was. The officer said, "it's a cross," to which Ben replied, "it's not only a cross, but it represents the one that Jesus Christ died on!" How awesome is that.
So here is the question I have for you and myself. Do we have the boldness in our faith as an eight and ten year old. Who have you boldly shared with today, this week, this month, this year? Who have you boldly questioned?
Oh to be like a child. Jesus says several times in the Enemy Slayer (Bible) to have the faith of a child. Its moments like these that remind me of these verses, and challenge me to rise up to the faith of an eight year old!
Join me this week, and bring out the BOLDNESS!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Last week we talked about why we should read the Bible, study the Bible, and memorize the Bible. I did an acrostic for the word Bible:
Bread for our lives
Book of Law
Lamp and Light
Enemy Slayer
The kids really loved it when I called the Bible a Enemy slayer. I told them how the Word says that the Bible is like a two edged sword, and that if we know the scripture then we can cut the devil with our Sword when he tempts us to do wrong.
So this morning while I was teaching the third grade I told them to take out their Bibles, and one of my students replies, "Ms. Bandy, you meant take out your Enemy Slayer, right?" :) Made my lips and my heart smile!!!
Talk to someone about the Enemy Slayer this week, and don't forget to read it yourself!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Three Weeks & Counting!
I had a wonderful Summer, but it wasn't one that I would call restful, but it was awesome none the less. The entire time I was home I longed to be back in Singapore. I missed the Asian culture and the food. I missed my students and their families, my friends, and the school. I just missed being in Singapore.
August 5th was my first full day back and it was great. I went up to the school and decided to go with the new staff on the hippo tour around Singapore. I was able to talk to the new faculty and then know what kind of goofy person they would be working with! I don't think I scarred any of them away! We have a great new group, so please be in prayer for them as they continue to adjust and make the transition here. Their names are: Crissy Mallinger, Helen Brownell and Steven Moore (the single teachers), the Miller Family, and the Kappe family.
We just completed our second full week of school, and tomorrow begins week number three. I cannot even tell you how pumped I was to see all my students again. I missed seeing them, and annoying them with my presence!! I thank God that they seemed to miss me a little bit too!! :)
I feel like so much has happened already since I have been back and it would be way too long to post, so my goal is to be way more consistent with this thing.
I will tell you that as much as I missed Singapore this Summer, I am already missing my family, and friends from the States sooooooooooo much. I feel like I am on a emotional roller coaster. When I am in Sing Sing I long for the States, and when I am in the States I long for Singapore. I have been really homesick these last couple of weeks. I think its because I was able to have so much quality family time while I was home. This past week I was able to teach chapel and it really helped refocus why I am here. I taught on Jonah, and how with our choices we affect three people: Ourselves, others, and possibly the Kingdom of God. I pray that God will use my life here in Singapore to make an eternal difference. I miss my family, but I know I am suppose to be here. PLEASE keep this in your prayers. I don't really remember being this homesick last year.
Serving Him
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Alicia Anne
I have decided to really focus on people this year, and I want to reflect on many of the people who have had an impact on my life. I plan to journal this year about many of those different people, and who knows maybe someday God will let it be published.
This has been a great week spending time with my family. I am starting to get tears in my eyes just thinking about saying goodbye to them again, but I am excited about the thought of being in Singapore and Asia once again.
Tell someone about Jesus this week, and don't forget your life is one to be lived for HIM!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Home For The Summer!
I am currently back in the States for the summer. It has been a very fast paced summer so far, and I am looking forward to the couple of weeks here with my family. I had a great visit with my church family in Florida, and I was very proud to be apart of the Quain/Wiggers wedding!
I am heading back to Singapore on August third, so please keep me in your prayers that day as I travel! I will try to keep this updated frequently!!
living 4 Him!!